MimicBrush allows users to edit specific regions of an image while preserving the surrounding context, enabling precise and localized modifications.
Users can transfer textures from one image to another, enabling creative blending and seamless integration of different visual elements.
MimicBrush offers advanced post-processing techniques to refine and enhance the edited image, ensuring high-quality and natural-looking results.
The training process of MimicBrush. First, we randomly sample two frames from a video sequence as the reference and source image. The source image are then masked and exerted with data augmentation. Afterward, we feed the noisy image latent, mask, background latent, and depth latent of the source image into the imitative U-Net. The reference image is also augmented and sent to the reference U-Net. The dual U-Nets are trained to recover the masked area of source image. The attention keys and values of reference U-Net are concatenated with the imitative U-Net to assist the synthesis of the masked regions.
MimicBrush can edit an image region of interest by drawing inspiration from a reference image by capturing the semantic correspondence between separate images in a self-supervised manner.
— Dreaming Tulpa 🥓👑 (@dreamingtulpa) June 19, 2024
Links ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/X94eQf5Wda
MimicBrush: Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation pic.twitter.com/Pu0OT2sMkW
— Toorop (@Tooropai) June 18, 2024
— さとり (@satori_sz9) June 18, 2024
Zero-shot Image Editing with Reference Imitation
— AK (@_akhaliq) June 12, 2024
Image editing serves as a practical yet challenging task considering the diverse demands from users, where one of the hardest parts is to precisely describe how the edited image should look like. In this work, we pic.twitter.com/Fh3fdUdGJ9
アパレルに携わっている人は全員MimicBrushチェックすべき。もうモデル撮影が不要だわ。これまで無理だった帽子もカバンも行けちゃうわコレ。毎 月100万円単位で得する。アパレルやってなくても触 っておくだけで話のネタになるので10倍モテるわ(さとり構文)🤪https://t.co/RNt92gZenc pic.twitter.com/DcRKsFO6VB
— o-ken🍻仕組みクリエイター (@tamanimitel) June 14, 2024
— 歸藏(guizang.ai) (@op7418) June 12, 2024
MimicBrush,它会随机选择视频剪辑中的两帧,遮盖其中一帧的某些区域,并学习使用另一帧的信息恢复这些被遮盖的区域。 pic.twitter.com/ymUIENNDzX
Mimicbrush is an innovative tool or application designed to improve the efficiency and quality of artistic creation or specific tasks.
Depending on the specific functions and design of Mimicbrush, you may need to download the relevant software or access its service through a specific platform. Detailed instructions on how to use it can usually be found on its official website or in the app store.
Mimicbrush is suitable for professionals or enthusiasts who seek to improve their artistic creation efficiency and pursue high-quality work completion.
Not necessarily. Mimicbrush is designed for a wide range of users and can run on regular computers and smartphones. However, professional users who need advanced features will have a better experience using devices with high-performance processors and graphics cards.
Yes, Mimicbrush provides comprehensive online tutorials and user manuals on its official website, helping users understand how to make the most of all the features and functionalities of this tool.
Yes, Mimicbrush has an active community and user forum where users can exchange experiences, share works and solve encountered problems. This is a good place to learn and grow. If you are interested, please contact us
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